Extraordinary maintenance works for the replacement of safety barriers on the Pantano, Grazie, Iuculia I, II, III, IV, and V viaducts of SS 640/dir

Infrastructure design
Bridges and Viaducts

Executive Design, Safety Coordination in the Design Phase



Total Amount

11.056.202,61 euro

Execution period


The service involves the preparation of the executive project for the “Extraordinary Maintenance Works for the Replacement of Safety Barriers on the Pantano, Grazie, Iuculia I, Iuculia II, Iuculia III, Iuculia IV, Iuculia V Viaducts of SS 640/Dir“.
The SS 640 Dir Pietraperzia Link Road (SS 640 dir), formerly known as ANAS 346 Pietraperzia Link Road (NSA 346), is an Italian national road (secondary extra-urban road) that connects the SS 640, Strada degli Scrittori, with the SS 626 Valle del Salso road and extends to the town of Pietraperzia.
For the project of removing the existing barriers and installing new ones, the choice of restraint devices was made considering the certification approval, following the provisions of Ministerial Decrees dated June 3, 1998, June 11, 1999, June 21, 2004, and June 28, 2011. As for the destination (type of barrier to be installed), the selection was based on the test report (Crash Test) issued by accredited laboratories.
Depending on their destination and location, the barriers and other restraint devices used in this service are divided into the following types:
a) Barriers for structures (viaducts): Bridge Parapet (BP) barriers
b) Side Parapet (BL) barriers
c) Terminal
d) Bridge Parapet to Side Parapet Transition
e) Side Parapet to Side Parapet Transition
The choice of devices was also made considering the actual physical spaces in which the barrier will operate (dimension of the parapet for bridge destination).

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